Sowing Together – Child Evangelism

In Guatemala fireworks are not only common at Christmas or New Year’s, but also for birthdays or any special celebration. They can be bought at any store or market.

A gunpowder worker is capable of making, on average, 60 firecrackers per day. This is a dangerous and exhausting handmade job due to the early morning hours in which they are manufactured.

Guatemala’s fireworks industry is located in San Raymundo, Guatemala. Many of the workers in this industry are children.

That is why for Jesus el Buen Pastor Church, in addition to having a Vacation Bible School in its facilities, it is also important to continue holding Bible Schools in San Raymundo, Guatemala.

VBS  have been held in San Raymundo for four consecutive years, with the primary objective of sharing the Gospel with the children of the community.

The next VBS will be held in November and December 2022 due to the current situation.

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